"La Cebolla de Las Cruces"

May 2, 2008

Throb: Detritus Rocks Out Munson Senior Center

Throb entertainment guide for Las Cruces
See what’s pumpin’ in ‘Cruces!

G-Fresh, Throb Columnist
‘Sup ‘Cruces! G-Fresh hollerin’ at ya here, still kickin’ it after last weekend’s blowout concert at the Munson Center. Yours truly was on hand to experience the loudest, wildest show so far this year, which knocked the socks off those oldsters, yo.

The first of a series of summer events planned for the Munson Center, a community center for senior citizens, caught most staff and attendants off guard.

“We’ve been scheduling various speakers and performers that would be of interest to the senior community,” said Bob Chipeska, director of events. “We wrongly assumed ‘Detritus & Defecation: Enema’ to be a presentation about bowel health. What we got instead was a hard-core death-metal rock concert.”

hard core death metal kids
Members of Detritus prepare to rock the house
The action started around 6PM with opening act Defecation, followed by headlining act Detritus, both hailing from Oklahoma City and currently touring around the Southwest to promote their new collaborative album, Enema.

“I walked into the multi-purpose room at Munson and couldn’t see anything it was so dark,” explains Willie “Bad” Santa, age 87. “Then I heard an explosion and a terrible screeching noise, so I turned off my hearing aid. Then a bunch of people slammed into me and knocked me to the ground.”

Mosh pit at Munson senior center
Willie "Bad" Santa warms up before jumping into The Pit
That “explosion”, homeslices, was actually a pyrotechnic detonation of a fiberglass toilet during Defecation’s second set, Gonna Blast Yer Ass – and it spewed shards of fiberglass and artifical fecal matter across the stage and into the crowd below.

Despite being held at a senior citizen center, the show drew the younger crowd as well.

“My bro said Detritus gonna be playin’ at Munson,” says Thurman Merman, Picacho Peak High School senior, “an I thought that’s a weird place, but we went anyway and jumped right into the mosh pit. Dayam, I still be feelin’ sore – an my bro broke his nose ‘n shit.”

Four chairs were broken and a small fire started in the ceiling above the stage, but luckily no seniors were injured during the climatic fracas because most of them were too tired to dance.

Detritus and Defecation could not be reached for comment as they quickly left the facility after the show, apparently unaware they were booked for a senior citizen center. Their next concert is this weekend in Clovis.

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