LESBIANS WANT SPERM to grow our family. Must have blonde hair and SAT score above 1200. Call Ellen or Portia at 555-5555.
SKINWALKER SEEKS BLOOD Professional, dedicated and capable thrashers needed immediately! All interested will be given a fair opportunity to SLAY in Santa Fe. Thrash or be thrashed. 555-5555

CATCH THE SKIDMARK and smell the roses! Available monthly at select Las Cruces locations and always online at www.lcskidmark.blogspot.com
I SAW YOU waddling down the canned peas aisle at Walmart. You: big girl but with a pretty face, bursting tank top, muffin top bluejeans, thongs. Me: big guy wearing XXXXL WWF tshirt, carrying 10lb jar of pickles. Hit me up, yo. Bart 555-5555
FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED Room for rent in 1BD house, all amenities plus full wall & ceiling mirrors throughout, private hot tub. Big discount if blonde, call Chad 555-5555
CUSTOM GAS MASKS made to fit your fuckin’ face and no one else’s. Be the first (and only) person on your block to survive ‘The Spray’ Call Rense 555-5555
MOUNTAIN VIEW PROPERTY No, really - Organ Mtn ridge parcels starting at $2.5M 555-5555
GET MAXIMUM PENETRATION with your own captive bolt pistol. Good for punching out cylinder locks on doors and other stuff. Call Anton 555-5555
I'LL RIDE BITCH Let’s carpool. Two people going to the exact same place = saving gas & $. Duh. I work in The Mall, do you? 555-5555
ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT BARBIE dolls, still new in box. Comes with four Barbie babies and forged papers to get free food & social services. Call 555-5555
USED GOLF CLUBS that are new. Used as pompous prop to impress neighbors. Five-iron slightly bent, dark stains on handle. Decked. No funny games. 555-5555
PIZZAS FOR SALE Domino’s pizza double cheese fully decked. Not hot. Five bucks. Pickup at Picacho Peak Park. Come alone. Adolfo 555-5555
SPREAD THE SKIDMARK Do something for the community and help spread the smear! If you would like a stack of ‘Marks to distribute here, there & everywhere then just email us already! We’ll get some to you ASAFP! lcskidmark@gmail.com
RE: The lesbians who want good sperm. I wonder if they want my sperm? A double dose of ADHD. Arizona Danish Hispanic Druggie, Attention Diverted Hyperkinetic Dancer. This sperm almost gurantees the baby will live a long life and age gracefully too.
See ya Dick Martin! Looks like he's about to sell out to the next highest bidder. Good riddance
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