"La Cebolla de Las Cruces"

January 1, 2009

Throb: Farmer's Market. Boooring!

Throb entertainment guide for Las Cruces
See what’s pumpin’ in ‘Cruces!

G-Fresh, Throb Columnist
Part One of a Series:

Knitted dog sweaters. Carved driftwood. Sparkly sun things. Locally grown squashes. Mexican things.

It's all at the Downtown Farmer's & Crafts Market, and we don't need it! That's what I say, anyway.

We all know downtown sucks. It's like dead and all since they tore down the church and plowed the road and planted trees thirty years ago. Just leave it the way it is! The Skidmark sent me on assignment to go get the scoop cuz none of us had even been downtown in our entire lifetimes, except for court dates and that one time I went to Coas bookstore to look for a dictionary (they don't have none).

So I showed up on a Saturday morning around 10, which was tough due to goin' out Friday, if you know what I mean. Dayam, I don't know how these people get up so early. So there was lots of people and I saw all the dried chile stuff, so I started walking around. Suddenly, I was like "What the fuck?" and I looked down and saw I stepped in a pile of dog shit. I was like "Naw, man, this ain't right" and I see all these dogs wearing sweaters and people standing there drinking coffee and talking while these dogs just crap on the sidewalk. Well, I know dogs are the latest thing and all, but this is goin' way too far. Maybe next time I'll bring my two-year old daughter without a diaper so she can unload right on the sidewalk.

I see this guy selling some nuts, someone selling some jelly stuff in jars, and tons of silver & turquoise jewelry. There were some people actually sweating, making popcorn in a big pot, and I see people lined up to buy it!

Ok, newsflash, y'all! All this stuff I saw you can get over at Wal-Mart even cheaper! Seriously, I didn't see nothin' so special and who wants to walk around outside for the same stuff? Last time I checked, you can buy a squash or an apron or some earrings right over there at Wally World. I was laughin' my ass off, so I asked a few people why they were there because I had my press pass with me and here's what they said:

"Well, I guess I come here for the culture. People are happy, the sun is shining. I feel like I'm supporting my neighbors and the local economy by buying items here."

"Because Wal-Mart is sucking the livelihood out of the American people."

"It's fun! I love bringing my dog here, he loves all the attention."

"Um, probably because there's no fat food stamp slobs and Mexicans with 7 kids running around. Wait, are you printing this?" (I told her no!)

"Because the best piñon brittle in the universe is right here."

"Because this is Las Cruces!"

This is kind of the same stuff I heard from everyone I talked to and I got to say it doesn't really make sense because you can still get the same stuff even cheaper at you-know-where. I guess these people don't got brains if they want to spend more money for the same thing.

I heard they was tearing down all the big metal poles along the south part of the Downtown Mall, so I checked it out. Sure enough, it was wide and open and I could see all the storefronts of the buildings as they probably looked forty years ago. I heard next the City will be tearing out all the bricks and laying down a road where Main Street used to be.

But what about the racetrack circling around downtown?!

(To be continued in the next edition of The Skidmark)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

man, you really don't care at all about your community, do you? So what if the FM is more expensive than Walmart? Everything you find is more expensive than if you find it at walmart!!! At least you can buy things at the Farmer's Market and help the economy in your community and help your neighbors by buying from local vendors! Plus, you can't be sure the item you bought at Walmart isn't made out of dead babies!!!