"La Cebolla de Las Cruces"

April 1, 2008

Downtown Development Team Welcomes Walmart

Fnord Manfredgensinson “On Assignment”

Future Walmart in downtown Las Cruces
Architectural rendering of the proposed Walmart site downtown
Ever wonder what will happen to the Downtown Mall? Well get ready, folks! The Downtown Development Team of Las Cruces (DDT-LC), a local think tank, say they have the solution.

“Build a fucking Walmart on it, already!” says Jon Stickelmeyer, “and, like, the whole (downtown) problem will just, like, vanish.”

Mr. Stickelmeyer, spokesperson for DDT-LC, understands the deeper issues. “I mean, like, every mom and pop business owner knows that Walmart is going to crush them into bankruptcy. They can’t compete. And now the city wants us to pay to redevelop the mall. It’s a joke.”

“Why don’t Walmart pay for shutting out free trade in Las Cruces?” Jon asks between gulps of his brown bagged 40 oz. malt beverage. “Make them fucking cough it up.”

Mr. Stickelmeyer is referring to the new and controversial taxation plan that local government wants to use to raise funds for developing the mall. In this scheme, the city proposes to mandate that Las Cruces taxpayers foot the bill for the downtown mall re-development. They just can’t decide the how and why of it.

“You’ve got these guys living on the hill up there, right,” says John, motioning to the Organ Mountains, “well they don’t live in ‘Cruces, neither. They draw all the water, come down here to shop, pay taxes somewhere else, and make us poor bastards pay for their mall. It’s bullshit.”
In the mind of DDT-LC, the mall question is simple math. Someone is making more money keeping the mall empty than they would make if the mall were a vibrant free- market milieu.
“They’ve got the numbers. Got the plans and studies. They just don’t want to take responsibility for what they did to the heart of the city. And they talk about some great day in the future, when, thanks to God, they‘ll fix the mall and everyone will live happily ever after. You know, like every time there’s an election. These candidates cry all over talking about how they want to prevail, fix the whole works. Then they don’t do shit. If someone wanted the Downtown Mall fixed, well, I reckon, they’d fix it. Fast.”

Is the end near for small businesses in Las Cruces?

There is some truth to what Mr. Stickelmeyer alleges. Studies indicate that so-called big-box stores are able to outprice and outsell smaller competitors in the market because they buy and sell in such high volume. Customers flock to the stores, able to stretch their hard-won dollars. Las Cruces is a perfect example. In spite of being the second poorest state in The Republic, Las Cruces celebrates one of the highest grossing Walmarts in the country. Consumers shun smaller, slightly more expensive, local retailers to pay for items manufactured in China at the expense of U.S. manufacturers.

The answers come easily from Mr. Stickelmeyer. “You know, here is the same as anywhere. Fuck your neighbor! We want the cheap shit! Why do you think we named a city street after the Walton Family? Do you really think they give a shit about us? They don’t live here. I’ve never met no Walton here. Papa Walton cared, you know. Went to all his stores and hugged his clerks. But he’s gone now.”

Las Cruces downtown mall today
2005, A bad case of herpes?
“What we’ve got to decide” Mr. Stickelmeyer avers “is whether we want to live in a Chinese Outlet Mall, or whether we want to live in America. But that don’t matter. The ‘Mall’ don’t sell alcohol. It’s a place with principles. It’s a City-fucking-Park. Look: Say you want to go out on the town. You saved up thirty bucks and you want to lay your partner. Do you take her or him for wine and cheese at the (downtown) mall? FUCK NO! You take her or him to Walton Boulevard. You buy three beers and a steak, see a movie at the (real) mall, and then fumble each other in the parking lot. Ask my ex wife. Ask ANYBODY. This ain’t fucking prohibition. Ain’t no one gonna hit it taking their fuck friend to the City Council Easter Egg Field for some hand holding and a fire sale. The (downtown) mall is like my herpes. No one wants to go near it. Fuck!”

Las Cruces downtown mall in 2505
2505, "Free at last!"
Jon Stickelmeyer is available for consultation weekdays at 7AM at “The Mall,” where he digs for aluminum cans from the trash.

City Offers Discount For Truck Nuts

Beginning in July, you can go a bit nuts. Truck Nuts, that is.

penis truck
"Truck Nuts", prominently displayed beneath the rear bumper of this New Mexico pickup truck
Truck Nuts – a vehicle accessory designed to look and feel like real testicles – have become enormously popular and allow any man with a large pickup truck to proudly display his true masculinity by mounting a likeness of his ball sack beneath the rear bumper. Typically, the larger the truck and the higher off the ground it is, the more the nuts will be noticed.

Initially started as a joke amongst college fraternity pranksters, trucks nuts are now no laughing matter and factories are sprouting up all over China to feed the demand for fake testicles.

Primarily sold online, the cost of truck nuts varies greatly depending on size, style, and finish. Small, flesh-colored balls can be purchased for under $10 and are quite popular among men driving late 90s model Ford Ranger trucks and lesbian-driven Chevy S-10s. But a real man, driving a real man’s truck, typically goes for something more flashy – and as we learned from online retailer BumperBalls.com their top selling nuts are their Designer Series “Big Boy Style” chrome-plated blue balls specially designed for Hummers, priced at around $50.

guy with truck nuts
Local man Raoul Mendoza shows us his nuts
We took to the streets to get the real scoop on what this is all about. We spotted local resident Raoul Mendoza sitting in the back of his truck behind the Lohman Pic Quik. He agreed to speak with us, then offered us each an icy cold can of Tecate beer from his six-pack cooler.

“When I first saw the truck nuts, I thought, ‘Naw man, those are stupid!’, you know? But then a couple of my buddies got them, and I thought, ‘Hell, I’m a man and I should show them what I’m made of!’.”

Mendoza, a seasonal construction worker, smiled slyly and added, “It makes me feel strong, and I think the ladies like it, too.”

Last month, the City Council unanimously passed a new incentive offering owners of unnecessarily large vehicles a “buy one year, get one free” vehicle registration upon proof of Truck Nuts installation.

“We feel this will be a good way to help stimulate the economy,” said Sally Cummings from the mayor’s office, “with the dramatic cost savings, we’re going to see people buying bigger trucks, third and even fourth vehicles, with bigger wheels, so they can get the discount.”

Cummings also added, “And with the larger vehicles comes markedly reduced fuel efficiency and higher maintenance costs.”

“We want to help Americans buy, buy, buy,” stated Councilwoman Mary Bland.

Additionally, the City is teaming up with local insurance agencies to offer policy discounts based on the size of installed Truck Nuts.

“We see Truck Nuts as a safety feature, like The Club. If a thief sees that a truck has balls, he’ll likely move on to a weaker, more vulnerable vehicle.”

For more information on the Truck Nuts rebate offer stop by your local DMV office or call the toll-free hotline at 1-800-GET-NUTS.

Area Man Gets Job, Has Kegger

Earl Hickey, a great American
Las Cruces resident Earl Hickey, 44, reportedly got a new job – his third this year – and took some time to relax and celebrate after receiving his first paycheck.

Friends, family, and random neighbors attended the event held in and around Hickey’s trailer space in the Las Aguas del Marrón mobile home park last Friday evening.

“It was a kickass kegger, man. We got fuckin’ wasted!”, exclaimed one neighbor.

“Shit yeah! Wooooh!”, shouted Hickey’s brother, Marvin, when asked how he felt about the party.

We spoke with Hickey privately, where he revealed things aren’t as good as they seem.

“I been havin’ a tough year so far. I was workin’ for the paper, you know, running the printing press, but they sent it all down to El Paso. I mean, it’s our paper, but we ain’t printing it here. I don’t get it.”

Hickey went on to describe the “hellish” week he spent delivering the newspapers he used to print.

“It was hell,” he commented.

Hickey tells us he’s currently employed as a house painter, struggling to get by on minimum wage.

“There ain’t no other jobs out there,” Hickey laments, “so I took the only one I could find.”
When asked if having a kegger was a good idea with money being tight, Hickey said “I got extra money now because I get them food stamps and I been donatin’ my plasma on Thursday mornings. They pay me good money. That’s how I got a keg of Miller High Life instead of that cheap shit.”

Supreme Court to rule against 1st & 2nd Amendments

America, fuck yeah
The US Supreme Court is considering whether people in the United States have a constitutional right to own firearms in a landmark case that could have far-reaching implications for gun control legislation across the country. The case itself surrounds a 1976 law in the District of Columbia that effectively bans handguns and requires all other legal firearms - hunting rifles and shotguns - to be disassembled and unloaded when stored at home. Out of six Washington residents that sued the District, one case has made it all the way to the country’s highest court. Dick Heller, a private security guard, argues he should be allowed to bring his handgun home after work.

Sidewalks: Do We Need Them?

Guest Writer Noel Carnut
Noel Carnut relocated to Las Cruces from California two years ago and is heading a committee with other members of the Picacho Peak Homeowner’s Association to ban all city sidewalks.

Move over, Detroit – you’re not the only Motor City in America! Las Cruces is 100 now and has seen a lot of changes and growth in the past century. A large part of that change came with the invention of the automobile.

We’re Americans and we deserve to live however we please. For most of us, our livelihood is that thing sitting on four wheels out in the garage and I’ll be damned if anyone tries to take that away from me! Think about it: big companies build shopping malls surrounded by acres of parking lots – for cars! And take Las Cruces as a perfect example when those dummies back in the 1960s decided it would look “pretty” to raze Main Street and make the Downtown Mall a car-free zone. Hello! Nobody wants to walk! They want to drive their car everywhere. And now downtown is like, dead.

guy sleeping on sidewalk
Some guy sleeping on the sidewalk
The only people who use sidewalks are homeless folks and other poor people who have to ride the bus. I mean, sure we can be all sympathetic and keep building sidewalks for homeless people, or we can stop building sidewalks so there’s nowhere for those people to walk and they’ll just go to Tucson. Problem solved, and we taxpayers will save money for our children.

Sometimes I see poor people riding, like, bicycles in the street, as if they have some kind of right to even be there. Bicycles and cars do not mix – if you are too poor to buy a car then stay off the road! If we take out all the sidewalks and drive really close to cyclists who are holding up all the traffic, then they will also have nowhere to go. Another problem solved, more money saved.

In Las Cruces sidewalks are legally supposed to be at least 4 feet wide. That’s a whole lot of extra cement and space that we, the majority of people, need for our community roadways. If we got rid of all the sidewalks, we could probably add an extra driving lane on all of our roads. More people could drive their cars and there would be less traffic.

The environmentalist wackos fight openly to build more sidewalks for homeless people and cyclists, and tell everyone to stop driving so much because of this whole “global warming” nonsense. Well, let me tell you that we, the majority of people, will win because there are now less sidewalks being built and the ones that were built before are crumbling into disrepair or are purposefully blocked. There’s a reason for that, but some people are just too stupid to see it! Just spend five minutes walking along Las Cruces sidewalks and you’ll find out why we are working hard toward the abolishment of sidewalks.

You want to walk, ride your bike, or get around in a wheelchair? Not in my town. Just get a car like everybody else so we can tear down these sidewalks for good!

broken sidewalk
Crumbling concrete wheel blocks with rebar sticking out in front of the donut shop

broken sidewalk
Railroad ties protruding onto the sidewalk along Ave. de Mesilla

broken sidewalk
A fire hydrant blocking the sidewalk in front of the DMV office

broken sidewalk
Broken, dangerous sidewalk near railroad tracks

broken sidewalk
Utility pole in the middle of the sidewalk

Throb: See What's Pumpin' in 'Cruces!

Throb entertainment guide for Las Cruces
See what’s pumpin’ in ‘Cruces!

G-Fresh, Throb Columnist
Yo yo yo, ‘Cruces WASSSSUP!!! Spring is here and we’re heating things up for another great summer. We got a smokin’ lineup of music events scheduled this month, the Las Cruces Hash Bash at NMSU on April 20, plus the 1st Annual Wicked Tattoo Burnout going on the last weekend in April. But first the news you’ve all been holding your drawers up for – mark your calendars because it’s that time again, yo – time for Who Wants To Be A Rap Star? to be held once again in the Kmart parking lot.

If y’all remember what went down last year, we aim to keep the peace this year and all participants will be fingerprinted and strip-searched prior to the event, so leave them burners at home, bitches! The party starts with the ever-popular Bling Blitz where playahs have 60 seconds to put as many gold chains around their neck as they can: winner takes home the bling. Other events include Pin the Gold Teeth on the Rapper, Sagging Pants Pole Vault Competition, and “What’s That Sign?” The singing competition is open to everybody, no talent required other than the ability to lip-sync and assume the stance. Good luck to all! Peace out!

April Calendar of Events

April 1
White Sands Missile Range Open House: Meet Your Bombs Hands-on activities, bunker tours, and detonation demonstrations. Bring hearing protection. 9:00AM–2:00PM
April 4
Pit Bull Breeder Showcase & Talent Show Want to show off your vicious attack dog? Join us for hot dogs and prizes. 6:00PM at the Doña Ana Humane Society.
April 5
“Who Wants To Be A Rap Star?” Compete against other no-talent ass clowns during this all day event. In the Kmart parking lot.
April 20
Las Cruces Hash Bash
Explore and experience the many uses of the infamous cannibis plant. In the NMSU Student Lounge at 4:20PM.
April 26-27
Wicked Tattoo Burnout
Have only eight tattoos? Need more? Join Las Cruces’ top skin inkers and make yourself undesirable to employers forever! All day, all night, at Burn Lake.
April 29
“I’m A Great American” Workshop
Are you a docile, tax-paying citizen and fearing the potential wave of civil disobedience from those environmental wackos? Discussion group at the Republican Party HQ, 7:00PM

Photo Contest. Fun!

Photo contest of Federal Building construction

'Cruces Shopper: April '08

'Cruces Shopper

Dildozer for sale

NEW USE FURNATURE 2 years old, nice, qwality. Butiful living room set, huches, pedasal frame with qween size drowars. Retyering and hitten the road. Milton 555-5555

WANTED ONE POUND cat or dog that will weigh one pound when grown. This is not a joke. Will pay up to $10. Call 555-5555

USED ASS BLASTER for sale. Tight, will destroy anything in its path, punch holes & stuff. Combo deal with Dildozer, see big ad. Dwayne 555-5555

LOOKING FOR LOVE Distinguished man, experienced and cultured seeking the same. Have job & big screen TV. Let’s go to the rodeo. Earl 555-5555

SWEET LIFTED PENIS truck, oversize tires, gun rack & custom lettering. Got bigger truck, must sell, wife is pissed. Antonio 555-5555

START YOUR CAREER with a great company. Full time plus guaranteed OT, competitive salary $180/week, generous 1% employee discount. No benefits. Must pass IQ test. Walmart job fair this weekend.

GUNS GUNS GUNS We have guns coming out of our ears. Big guns, small guns, rocket launchers, grenades. Keep America strong and buy some guns. LeRoy’s Gun Rack Lohman/Solano, open every day.

STOLEN CAR STEREO Reward for return of Aiwa stereo with bass boomer and double decker sub woofer speakers. Stolen from 92 Honda Civic. Ralo 555-5555

AIWA CAR STEREO with nice speaker set, new wires. Hot player! Need money, must sacrifice $500. Call Enrique 555-5555

PIT BULL ALARM Scare the crap out of those would-be thieves and anyone who happens to walk past your property. Special bred dogs trained to attack on command. Buy 3 save 50 bucks. Call Pit Bull Pirates Breeding & Training 555-5555

HUGE YARD SALE Arrive early to check out a driveway filled with a bunch of filthy, broken, useless junk. All items $1. Saturday 8AM-noon at 2299 Picacho Peak Mountain Rd.

CATCH THE SKIDMARK and smell the roses! Available monthly at select Las Cruces locations and always online at www.lcskidmark.blogspot.com

NUT FARM SLAVES wanted for the summer pecan season. Must wear galoshes and understand Spanish. We pay by the nut, work fast, get money. Apply at Picacho Peak Pecan Grove beside the dump.

STOP SMOKING LOZENGES 72 pack Commit mint flavor 4mg, will trade for 2 cartons of Tribal ultra lite 100s. Desperate, can’t commit. Call 555-5555

70 TONS BEEF deep frozen packed in 25 lb. cartons. Big discount liquidation sale, $20 each. Not fit for human consumption. Call Las Cruces Public Schools Culinary Storehouse 555-5555

LOOK! LOST FORESKIN answers to “Rollo.” Good with children. Taken at birth. Got to get it. Call Jimmy 555-5555

TWO CEMETERY PLOTS Inherited two choice adjoining cemetery plots in Anthony in the Protestant section. I don’t want them, I’m Catholic. Will trade for swords or kegerator. Christina 555-5555

YOUNG DRUNKS WANTED New halfway house offering help & hope to young drunks and drug addicts. 4 openings, for men only. Call for info 555-5555

STUFF FOR SALE Call me now 555-5555